In YourBCABus, you'll find a bus's status next to its name, like so:
Here's what each of these statuses means:
Arrived at BCA. The bus has arrived at BCA, and its location can be found in the YourBCABus app.
Not at BCA. The bus has not arrived at BCA yet.
Not running. The bus is no longer running and will not be arriving at BCA.
If you're running YourBCABus 1.1 or higher, you might see these statuses:
Expected Early. The bus is predicted to arrive at BCA before dismissal.
Expected On Time. The bus is predicted to arrive at BCA on time for dismissal, around 4:10-4:20PM.
Expected Slightly Late. The bus is predicted to arrive at BCA relatively late, around 4:20PM.
Expected Late. The bus is predicted to arrive at BCA late, around 4:25PM.
Expected Very Late. You should hopefully never see this. The bus is predicted to arrive at BCA very late, after 4:30PM.
To predict when buses will arrive at BCA, we use a neural network trained on weather data, distance to destination towns, and previous bus arrival patterns. You can see some of our efforts at the literate-couscous repository.
Predictions update every weekday morning at 8am.
Bus predictions are not 100% accurate, and we are still working on tuning our prediction system.
As such, please do not rely on it for critical decisions, including scheduling.
(It should be fine for deciding whether to hang out in the breezeway for a few minutes though.)